Sound, Lighting, PA and Mobile DJ 07871152710
What We Do
What We Do
Ok so music for under 16's isn't every DJ's cup of tea (or should that be coke) - but we will happily oblige. Birthday parties, school disco's, outdoor fetes, BBQ evenings, sports days - No problem at all - we aim to make it both fun and cool at the same time with sound and lights just right for the occasion. We also do PTA disco's and will happily cater for outdoor sports days, fun days and BBQ's.
A testimonial from the head teacher at one of our regular schools said:
Dear Peter,
Just a quick thank you for Saturday! You were amazing as usual, and kept everyone cheerful despite the weather, I don't know how you keep up the pace, and the enthusiasm and the cheerfulness, but it certainly works! I am sure that much of our success in keeping people on the site and entertained is down to you, so thanks again.
Kids Disco's
Kids Disco's
OK they may not be R&B 'supastars', international singing stars, or TV comedians (see "Recent Gigs" if you want these) but these youngsters really knew how to celebrate a 13th birthday in style - of course they would, the birthday girl was none other than Pete Spark's own daughter Deanna. They didn't actually stop dancing all night - What a great bunch!
School & PTA Events
School & PTA Events
Getting the kids to dance with the adults is always an issue - not for us though as this picture from a recent PTA event shows!
Recent Photos